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Compac Surfaces & Material Handling

Although Compac is a man made material it shares a number of traits with natural stone surfaces. Whether you are working with it in a fabrication shop or are taking it to an installation site, you will no doubt have to handle Compac more than once. This means using engineered quartz equipment. In this article we are going to explore some of the equipment that is used to transport, position, and maneuver Compac material.

How is Material Handling Defined?

If you were asked to describe Compac material handling, what would you say it involves? If you said, "a lot of things.", you would be right. Handling Compac involves several specific tasks. One of them is loading products onto and uloading products from vehicles. Additionally, transporting Compac slabs from one side of the fabrication shop to the other is included in material handling. In fact, just storing Compac in a warehouse or slab yard is considered material handling as well. These are not the only ways to handle Compac, but they are included.

Compac Storage Equipment

Slabs in fabrication shops can sometimes sit for a period of time before they are used for creating a surface. That is where the storage aspect of material handling comes in. Compac slabs need to be kept somewhere when they are not being used. Fabricators make use of a rack for storing Compac to keep the slabs in until they are ready to use them.

Compac Transport Equipment

In a fabrication shop, slabs get moved from one location to another regularly. If workers were only able to carry Compac materials in slab form, think of how much more work it would take. Additionally, safety is factor as well. The more carrying that workers do, the more likely they are to become exhausted and then strength could become a factor. For situations where moving slabs of Compac are common, a single sided a frame cart for Compac or other product might be beneficial to have in the shop.

Compac Loading & Unloading Equipment

Compac, like other kinds of materials used for surfaces is lifted multiple times thorughout the fabrication process. Loading a Compac slab onto a machine or truck as well as removing the same slab from those machines takes not only power, but also the ability to hold the slab. There are several machines available for lifting Compac slabs as well as other materials. One such machine is a vertical style Compac scissor clamp. There are others too. The idea is use a piece of gear that will get ahold of the slab and not let go until the operator wants it to. In the end working with Compac is like working with any natural stone or other engineered quartz surface. It can be awkward and challenging to lift, position, load and unload. But having the proper equipment to handle it makes the work much easier to perform.