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Red Graphite Color Pen Refill for Profi Market
Part# 4090156 Red Graphite Color Pen Refill for Profi marker- 5 per box
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Weha Price: $5.34

Charlotte, NC Stock Status:In Stock

Part Number: 4090156

Red Graphite Color Pen Refill for Profi marker- 5 per box

Red Graphite RefillPack of 5Writes Through Standing Water.

Perfect for granite, marble, engineered stone, quartz and all natural stones.

Durable enough to not wash off during fabrication

Weha Profi Marker pens are perfect for marking the stone during fabrication.

Made in Germany, these pens are very high quality.

Better than China markers or grease pens because they do not leave a grease film behind it

Profi-Marker Set Yellow Graphite Color Pen Refill for Profi Marker Black Graphite Color Pen Refill for Profi Marker
Weha Price: $37.45

Weha Price: $5.34

Weha Price: $5.24

Part# 4090160 Profi Marker Granite Stone Pen Set China Marker Part# 4090157 Yellow Graphite Color Pen Refill for Profi marker- 5 per boxx Part# 4090155 Black Graphite Refill Pen Profi Marker for Granite Stone

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